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FormMail • Form Encryption • Hosted Forms


This page documents the GEOIP_LIC configuration setting in FormMail.

Type Of Setting

GEOIP_LIC is an OPTIONAL setting, which means...

OPTIONAL : you can change this setting if you need to, but the default value is fine for most circumstances.


Your GeoIP license code.


Set GEOIP_LIC to the license key for your GeoIP account. GeoIP provides geographical positioning and other information about an IP address.

You can use this for helping to detect credit card fraud, by locating the form submitter's IP address and comparing it with their stated address.

For example, "John Smith" submits your form and claims to be in Sydney Australia. But the GeoIP information indicates his actual IP address is in Pakistan! You can read more information about FormMail's GeoIP support.

Default Value

$GEOIP_LIC = "";


$GEOIP_LIC = "BA23pq2QxFjw"

See Also