What is GeoIP?
GeoIP is a technology that allows you to find out the physical location of an IP address in the world.
You can convert your website visitors' IP addresses into city, state, country, and other information.

GeoIP support for FormMail allows you to pinpoint the geographic location of your website visitors who submit your forms.
- Protect yourself from fraud.
- Ensure credit card details match the address given.
- Keep your customer database clean.
We've partnered with MaxMind to provide you with the ultimate in geolocation technology.
What Details Can I Get?
Using our optional FormMail Computation Module and FormMail GeoIP Module, each form submitted on your website can show accurate location details of the user's IP address. For example:
GeoIPCountry: US GeoIPCity: Moab GeoIPLatitude: 38.450600 GeoIPLongitude: -109.602699 GeoIPRegion: UT GeoIPPostal: 84532 GeoIPDMA: 770 GeoIPArea: 435 GeoIPISP: 'Electric Lightwave' GeoIPOrg: 'Electric Lightwave'
How Do I Get Started?
First, sign up with MaxMind for one their web services. Note: Currently, we only support MaxMind Country Web Service or MaxMind City/ISP/Organization Web Service. Only purchase one of those services.
MaxMind also provide a demonstration key if you'd like to apply for one.
Once you have your MaxMind License Key, you can perform queries using your MaxMind account. A License Key looks something like this: BA23pq2QxFjw
You can test your license key with our FormMail GeoIP module using the GeoIP demonstration system.
Second, install Tectite FormMail on your server and get it working with the instructions we provide.
Third, purchase our FormMail Computation Module (which includes the FormMail GeoIP Module free of charge).
Finally, install the Computation Module and GeoIP Module on your server, reconfigure FormMail, and add the appropriate computation code to your HTML forms.